
Every student is welcome in Titan Theatre!

Theater, as a general rule, has always had a variety of roles to fill, and it functions best when students are allowed to contribute their unique talents and interests to a greater goal, collectively making something magical happen in the process.  

While talent is awesome and admirable, talent is not necessary to join Titan TheatreTeam effort > talent, and we welcome anyone who wants to be a part of our team.  There is truly a place for everyone in Titan Theatre.

To build and maintain a strong sense of community and collective effort, Titan Theatre requires that all students be...


IMPORTANT DATES: August through November

8/20 - Zero Day & ITS Officer Meet n' Greet

Meet and say "hi" to Mrs. Maier and your ITS Officers between 9:00 and 12:00 on Zero Day!

8/26 - Titan Theatre
Interest Meeting

4:30 meeting in the Auditorium should wrap up by 6:00

9/3 & 9/4 - Clue Auditions

Auditions run both days, after school, 4:30-6:30

9/6 - Clue Cast & Crew Meeting

Full cast and crew for Clue will meet to review the schedule, expectations, responsibilities for the show.  At this point, students will need to formally commit to their role.

9/9 Blankslate Auditions

Students interested in performing in our improv troupe, Blankslate, can audition this day.  

Students are allowed to participate/perform in Blankslate AND a mainstage show throughout the year.   

Blankslate rehearses once a week, usually on Fridays so there's no conflict with mainstage rehearsals.  Once tech week starts for mainstage shows, Blankslate will not rehearse again until the show closes.

9/10 thru 11/5 - Clue Rehearsals

For cast, fall rehearsals run Tuesday through Thursday, each week.

For crew, tech work occurs every Friday in the Fall, and additional tech workdays will occur on a Saturday and a Teacher Workday in October.

9/27 - Hoco Parade & Football Game

10/24 -
Blankslate show at 7:00 pm

Call for Blankslate performers: 6:00 pm

10/26 - Haunted House Fundraiser followed by Halloween Party

10:00 am start to run a Haunted House fundraiser for the community.

11:00 am - 1:00 pm "Cute" Haunted House (youngins)

1:00-2:00 - Lunch

2:00-4:00 - Changeover

4:00-6:00 - "Scary" Haunted House (10 and up)

6:00-6:30 - Transition to Party

6:30-8:30 - Halloween Party

8:30-9:00 - Cleanup

11/11-11/13, 11/20 - Clue Tech Rehearsals

Students typically stay after school for tech and dress rehearsals; they have dinner, get in a costume, makeup, mics, and character prior to the start of rehearsal. 

Tech and Dress Rehearsals should conclude at 9:30 pm, and students should be picked up by 9:45.* 

End time will vary depending on the run-time of the show; however, nothing will go later than 10:00 pm.

11/14, 15, 16* & 11/21, 22, 23**
Clue Shows

Call at 5:00 pm for 7:00 pm shows; Call at 12:00 for 2:00 pm show

*11/16 - "Showsgiving" Potluck Dinner; call at 3:30 pm

**11/23 - Strike and Cast Party 'til 9:00 pm

11/25 & 26 - Clue Strike (set & lights)

Tech students will work after school these days (4:30-6:30) to strike the set and prepare the stage for concert season.

Full 2024-25 Calendar

2024-2025 Titan Theater Calendar